One of my favorite things to do as a child was going to the playground, whether it was during recess at school, at the park with my brother or while attending summer camp. Nowadays, kids are more involved with an array of technology from tablets and phones to video game consoles. There are a few developmental benefits from kids using technology, but it all depends on how they’re using it. Regardless, technology doesn’t provide the same developmental benefits that a playground can.

Playgrounds can offer children social, brain and language development from interaction with other children. Children will often be vocal when playing and running around, grabbing the attention of other nearby children. The more interaction children have with each other, the more they learn. They can learn new words, new games, make new friends and have fun while doing so. They can use their imagination to create their own games and learn to problem solve when they stumble upon minor inconveniences. (Hart)

Playgrounds also provide psychical developmental benefits along with exercising. Playgrounds create a space for children to run around and it’s a fun way for children to stay at a healthy weight. It also helps to burn some of their energy, making them tired and bedtime comes easier. Climbing ladders, rock walls, stairs and hanging from the monkey bars creates methods for children to use, gain and strengthen their muscles. Slides and swings help with a child’s balance and coordination. Every aspect of a playground has some type of beneficial impact on children’s development. (Frost, et al)

Parents can also benefit from their children going to the playground. It’s a way for them to bond whether it’s cheering them on from the bench when they’re about to attempt a challenge, cleaning up a cut or pushing them on the swings. It’s also a great way for parents to meet and discuss with other parents, possibly make some friends or exchange numbers to set up play dates. Parents who take their children to the playground, are able to watch their children grow physically, mentally and socially. (Coyne)

Playgrounds are immensely important for all aspects of development among children while still having fun and learning to overcome new challenges. While technology invades the minds of young children today with only a couple of developmental benefits, playgrounds are utilized less and less, but could create such strength within each aspect of child development.

Works Cited


Coyne, Malie. “The Importance of Playgrounds in Child Development.”,

This website touches base on the different aspects of children’s development through the utilization of playgrounds, containing some detail, but didn’t go as in depth as a couple of other articles I read. It also explains the benefits for a parent which is the interesting part of the article.

Frost, Joe, et al. “The Developmental Benefits of Playgrounds.” Ooey Gooey, Inc.,

A highly detailed article that broke down all the different methods of playground play from the slides and swings, to playing in the sand. It listed multiple benefits for each aspect and really broke everything down.

Hart, Kim. “AAA State of Play.” Learn the History of Playgrounds and Playground Equipment from AAA State of Play,

Generalized information about the benefits of playgrounds for child development. There were many links within the article to go more in depth for each section.

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