Where It All Began

My passion for both reading and writing began at a very young age, it came so easy to me. I was at a reading level much higher than my peers and excelled with my writing. As I grew older, I fell out of reading, but still continued to write here and there. I struggle to find the time to pour my heart onto paper nowadays, but when I do find the time to write, I write poetry. Writing was always an outlet for me, a coping mechanism through all things chaotic growing up. In school, writing papers and essays never felt like homework to me, I genuinely enjoyed doing so. I struggle with essays that are in response to a passage or an impersonal question. I enjoy writing about my life, my experiences and other personal topics which is a strength in some instances, though not all. When I was in the eighth grade, we were given the assignment to write about a personal experience that changed you. I wrote about watching my grandfather pass away, it was a thirteen page essay and regardless of what’s to come in my future, it will always be one of my most memorable papers. When writing, I prefer to do it by hand, in a journal with a black Sharpie pen. Handwritten pieces seem more personal to me and that’s why I prefer to do my writing that way. Within this course, I just want to become a better writer and explore new writing topics.

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